Hello Everyone, that is still out there...with today's blog I must make a warning. Too much information about Christi, via Addi's dressing up. Kids do the funniest things and needless to say Addi found herself a new hat. Unfortunately that isn't a beret on her head, but Mommy's (new) underwear. We have been talking about potty training and well I guess she wants to wear big girl panties. Hehehehe I am funny today.
Also I wanted to mention the dress is for Papa in Kansas. It reminded us of his denim shirts he wears to work in the winter time. I was funny as a kid also and teased him about what he would wear to work each morning and ask him "Denim".
Anyway, things here have been alright. Bo got the ol stomach bug that has been going around and so he was down and out for a couple days (Sunday until today) but he is feeling better. I thought Addi might have something, but I am beginning to think more and more it is hear 2 year molars coming in. She had one break through months ago, but I believe the others are one their way. I shouldn't complain because I had it easy with everything except molars so far.
Addi and I wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful event and time in Kansas. We had such a great time, raised a bunch of money, Addi got to ride a horse, and I got to hear how country I am sounding. I am currently enrolled in speech classes her thanks to the interview from Channel 6.
Nothing else new really to report other than I did some shopping (not in New York) and I bought some underwear. I warned you to much info.Take care everyone and for those not feeling well get better, Cyndi.
Christi and Addi
I wonder what Prince would say about Addi's beret? It sure is not Rasberry...j/k .She is going to be a heart breaker. get some rest Bo. we are riding next week.
There are still a bunch of us out here reading. Hope everyone gets to feeling better.
too cute!!! glad bo is feeling better!
Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK tomorrow. Your chicago readers will be sending good vibes and energy your way. Sarah & Friends
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