Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Back to work again! I got up this morning and rode my bike. I did about 10 miles this morning. Came back to eat breakfast, and had eggs and toast with a shake which I forgot. Went to work starving. Tim Otto came into town today. He is my competitor, but we have always had a good relationship. He came in just to spend the day with me. We talked business until 11:00 am, then went to lunch and hit the golf course. Lunch was a salad with grilled chicken. Both of us hit some good shots and bad, but we had a good time. We came back to my house. We both got cleaned up. Tim was flying back out tonight. It was a long day for him, leaving Detroit early this morning only to fly back tonight. I hope he had fun. We went to dinner and I had halibut and fresh green beans. Very good.

I spent a lot of time with Addi tonight before she went to bed. What a doll. She will be walking SOON!

Off to chemo tomorrow. Wish me LUCK!


Anonymous said...

We wish you all the LUCK in the world!

Anonymous said...

Good-luck with your chemo tomorrow. I will be thinking good thoughts for you all day.
Aunt Mary

Anonymous said...

Hope your treatment goes well for you tomorrow. I read your Blog the first thing each morning. You are doing a great job and I am very proud of you.
Love always, Dad

Anonymous said...

GOOD Luck tomorrow ... Our thoughts and prayers are with you ...

Scott Angie Anna Scott and Wade!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you today and I am in awe of your courage and positive attitude. I read your blog every morning. Good luck, Elizabeth M, your employee!

Anonymous said...

We're with you Bo, all the way from Omaha! You're in our thoughts and prayers all the time. Good luck tomorrow. Hope you score high on the PSP. ;)

Tammy and Larry P.

Anonymous said...


You are such an inspiration to everyone. Keep up the good work and the positive attitude. Give it all to God and He will see you through. You, Christi and Addi are always in our thoughts and prayers. Make the score 2-0 on Anna's scoreboard.
Pamela & family