Saturday, December 05, 2009

It is with a heavy heart that I say, my love passed away this morning. May he rest, in peace.
Love to All


Anonymous said...

Christi- My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!God Bless you! -Kay

Anonymous said...

I love you sis and my heart is with you and Addi. May he rest in peace from his long well fought fight. We love you.
Crystal, Chris and the kids

Anonymous said...

I can"t seem to find words to say right now except to tell you how much you are loved. Christi you are an amazing woman. My prayers are with you, Addi, and the rest of your family and friends. Lee and I are here always. Lots of love to you... Tina B.

Mindy said...

I also am at a loss for words, Christi I love you. Bo you will never be forgotten. Please let me know if you ever need anything, a shoulder, someone to watch Addi, anything at all.

RIP Bo!!!!

Your an ispiration.

Love Mindy

Mendy Luther said...

Bo was a wonderful person and will be missed greatly. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Anonymous said...

Christi-all of our thoughts and prayers are with you, Addi and the rest of the Johnson/Morgan families right now. Bo fought such a tremendous battle to be there for you two. May the love of those near and far provide comfort to you and Addi now and forever.

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are prayers are with you. It is a sad day today and Bo will be greatly missed. Please let Marshall and I know if there is anything at all you need. The boys would not complain at all if they had a day or a few hours with Addi.

May the Lord comfort you in your time of need.


Anonymous said...


My thoughts and prayers are with you, Addi, and the family. Bo was such inspiration. He will never be forgotten.


Shannon B.

Anonymous said...

Dear Johnson family,
I was a fraternity brother of Bo's at App State. Although Bo and I didnt keep in touch after college, he left a lasting impression on me. He was always very kind to me and seemed to always pick me out of crowd to talk to. I am certain his ability to make you feel like you were the only one in the room was felt by many. Many prayers to the family. I am deeply sorry for your loss.
Davis Hyde

Scott and Katie said...

this goes without saying, but the entire williams family sends our heartfelt condolences. i think in the passing of someone it should be thought of as an opportunity to celebrate their life more than an opportunity to mourn their passing and i think with bo this is particularly notable. there are few people i know that enjoyed a simple barbeque, a day on the lake, the presence of his family and friends, or a ballgame as much as bo did, and that was before he got sick. not to mention, let's be honest here, none of us were too sure that beastie (christi's highschool nickname) would ever find someone that would put up with stars to bo for that alone. but beastie, you're the best, and if we can do anything to help, please let us know. and that includes helping addi appreciate carolina and kansas basketball as much as bo did. scott and katie.

Anonymous said...

We have met only a few times, but through your amazing network of friends, I feel like I know your family well. I am deeply saddened by your loss and would like to let you know the impact Bo had on our community will never be forgotten. Your strength as a mother, wife, and friend is one that I truly admire. My many thoughts and prayers go out to you and your amazing family.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you all. While there is much sadness on earth today as we lose a truly wonderful man, know that there is a true celebration starting as the good lord welcomes Bo home today.

He will be missed by so very many.


Anonymous said...

Words can not express the sadness in my heart for you, Addi, and the rest of your family. This world was a better place because of Bo. He was an incredible person who touched so many lives. As we all mourn his passing, we should remember how lucky he is right now... God gave him an early invitation to join him in living in eternal peace where we all look forward to meeting again. I pray that God will comfort you and your family thru this trying time.
Neal and Trey Karn

Anonymous said...

We love you. We wish that we could be there to hold you and help.
Catherine, Randy, Piper, and Regan

Anonymous said...

May God bless all of you.

Charlotte Smarty Pants said...

We have been with you all along this journey and have prayed for you daily. It broke my heart to read of Bo's passing as I logged on this morning. He was a beautiful gift to this world. May your wonderful memories give you some comfort during this difficult time. We're sending big hugs to you and Addi.

Fondly, Jen Plym and all of the Charlotte Smarty Pants girls

Anonymous said...


We are at a loss for words...He is such an inspiration for us. He was such an incredible man. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Erika Moore & Mike Barnett

Anonymous said...

Heaven just got a little brighter and received a wonderful angel this morning. May you and your daughter find peace in knowing that Bo is relieved of all of his pain and suffering. What an incredible man and fighter- you should be SO proud of him for being able to finally let go.
May your life find peace and happiness as Bo looks down upon you with a big wonderful smile. Forever.

Anonymous said...

Christi - Our prayers are with you and Addi and all of your family. Bo is finally pain-free after 3 1/2years of being such a fighter but that certainly doesn't make things any easier for those he left behind. He was a wonderful, giving and generous man...and obvious upon my first meeting of him over 10 years ago. He will never be forgotten and is truly blessed to have had you fighting with him.
Kiley Thiel

Anonymous said...

Christi...God will give him peace and may he bless your entire family. He was a great friend to me and will always have a very special place in my heart....

Kevin and Blaire

Anonymous said...

God Bless you Christi and Addi and all of the family. Our prayers are with you. The angels in heaven are celebrating. Be strong in the Lord.
Donnelle and Jon Graham

Anonymous said...

We all lost a great man today, Bo Johnson a true fighter,devoted father and husband. I did not know Bo as well as most ,but his fighting spirit and inspiration to the people around him always amazed me. I am thankful for the opportunity of knowing him. Bo you are a truly a hero to many of us and you will be missed.

Charley Cowles

Anonymous said...

You, Addi and the rest of your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You are an amazing and strong woman!! May you be surrounded by love in this difficult time and always.
Brianne and Casey

Anonymous said...

Bo will live on for years to come in the hearts and minds of all of us that knew and loved him. His strength, compassion and humility have shown us what it means to truely live. I think that we should all live our lives with the end in mind. I can only hope that someday I will have meant so much to so many as Bo has. I feel truely blessed to have known Bo and to have called him my friend. Celebrate Bo's life today, he has been and will be an inspiration to us all. Bo and your enite family will forever be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. We are here if you need anything at all.

The Vances

Anonymous said...

May God bless all of you

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Bo that well but I do know he loved life, family and career. May Bo rest in peace. I'm sure he has already gave Jimmy V a big hug and has whispered in hear ear GO HEELS!!

Thoughts and prayer,

Anonymous said...

Bo was such an inspiration to so many of us and will be missed greatly. Our hearts and prayers are with you, Addi and your entire family.
Scott & Tiffany

Anonymous said...

So saddened by the news. My heart is heavy for you, Addi and all of Bo's loved ones. Please know you remain in my thoughts and prayers and know that Bo is resting in peace.

"Miss" Tina

Anonymous said...

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 Tim. 4:7).

Bo (and you and Addi) fought a good fight, he finished his course and you all kept the faith.

May God comfort all who remain as He welcomes Bo home.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter. Bo and I went to school together. He was a wonderful person.

Melissa Saltz

Anonymous said...

Heaven just gained an angel. Christi, Addi, and family I am so saddened by Bo's passing. My heart is so heavy for you all. He fought SO hard for 3 1/2 years and now he is no longer in pain and suffering. He was loved by so many and was such a great husband, daddy, son, brother, and friend. I hope God gives you and your family strength during this hard time. I am praying for you all.
I feel so lucky to have known him and your family.

God Bless You all!

Anonymous said...

Bo you will forever be in my heart & will forever be missed. You & Christi are my inspiration.

Christi, sending love & prayers for strength to you & your family.


Anonymous said...

I didn't really know Bo personally, but through technology I felt like I really did. I'm saddened to hear of his passing, but blessed to know of his existence and impact on so many people. Although we question why he was taking from us so early, take comfort that he is free from pain in his eternal home.

With God's love,
Drew Partridge

Anonymous said...

May God's Peace be with you.
Mebane Ham

Anonymous said...

Dear Addi,
I didn't know your father as much as I would have liked to have known him. He's been battling a terrible disease since we met and fight he did. Your Daddy was knocked down so many times but he still got up to continue. He went all 15 rounds.

His goal was to see his little girl make it to her first day of school.
Some may have thought that goal was too ambitious, but not your Daddy! His face lit up at the mention of your name. He loved you little girl.

He and your Mother fought this fight with class and character and always put you first. You gave them strengh.

Your Daddy may be gone, but he will never leave your side.

Much love,
Jim Carlyle

Ken and Mystina said...

Dear Christi and Addi~
We are praying for you today! We are so sorry for you loss. We feel so privileged to have known Bo in some small way. Hold on to Jesus for as Psalm 46:1 says:
"God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble."

And Psalm 68:4-5 says: 4. "Sing to God, sing praise to his name,
extol him who rides on the clouds
his name is the LORD and rejoice before him. 5. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling."

We pray for strength and peace in this difficult time.

Love the Zummach Family

Unknown said...


Keisha and I are praying for you and Addi. I read one of your previous post about the stories your compiling for Addi. I wanted to share my thought with the both of you so I sent an email to your FIG email address.

Thoughts and Prayers,

Keisha and Jared

Anonymous said...

Christi, Addi, and Family-
I am so sorry for your loss and the pain that you are going through. I did not have the pleasure of knowing Bo very well but I only ever heard great things about his passion and strength. Cherish those moments and that will help give you the power to fight through this difficult time.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Jennifer Shephard

Anonymous said...

Christi and Addi--we have not had the pleasure of meeting in person but know that I, like so many, have contiually followed your story from afar. Addi, your father was the definition of the word MAN and I know that I speak for all of our fraternity brothers from ASU when I tell you how proud of Bo we all are for his fight to the end! How fitting that Bo tells 2 doctors from Duke quoting Jimmy V from State--Go Tarheels!! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your entire family.
Miller Bell

Anonymous said...


My thoughts and prayers are with you, Addi, and your family. Few people in this world could illustrate the strength that the two of you have had through all of this... and more amazing you two found each other. Thank you for every single time you had to get on a computer and update us on the good and the not so good. I was proud to follow this battle and learn what great people you and Bo are. RIP Bo.

Rob B.

Anonymous said...

Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

My heart is truly saddened to hear that we have lost "our" Bo. The memories I have of him throughout our elementary to high school years are many! He was such a fine young man with a huge heart. My prayers go out to you Christi and Addi. May God wrap his strong arms around you and hold him close to him! He was loved by many and will truly truly be missed!

Christi, I read about how you would like to compile a "file" for Addi about her daddy and I'm sure I(and many others) have lots we can contribute!

Look out comes a great man!!!!!

Mellissa Huntley-Kee

Unknown said...

BO JOHNSON...Perseverance-Courage-Kind Soul-Sweet Smile and Love. These are words that synonymous with his character. What a privilege is was to know a man of his conviction.
He was truly blessed to have a wonderful wife and life partner, a precious little daughter, unconditional love and support from parents and friends.
I will continue to pray for your strength and faith throughout this time.
With love,
Terri Mayhew

Catie Rubenstein said...

I don't even know what to say.

Bo. Go with God. You are more loved than anyone can fathom, and have affected more people in your time on earth than most.

Christi- I wish I could hug you right now. I am so, so sorry.

Addi, sweet girl. There are volumes of things I could say to you, and maybe will come at a later date. I know your mom is putting everyone's words together for you to have a book about this when you're older, and I know when you read it, you will see how lucky you are to have been born to such amazing people. I am so sorry this happened to you today, and that you are not getting more time on earth with both parents. That's hard.
I already know you are a very special little girl, though, and you have the best start possible for continuing to grow into a truly great young woman. You are a mix of two profoundly beautiful people, and that will always be a source of strength for you, even when you can't physically see or touch it. Please know that. Love does go on.

My hope for you is that you never lose touch with your wonderful father, and that you recognize all the things about him that live on in you. He loves you so much, Addi, and you will be amazed as you get older how much of him is in you. People will tell you randomly how much you remind them of your father, and you may not know exactly why, but you will feel closer to him because of it. You will learn to recognize the thoughts you have that are pure Bo, and you will know he still lives on to guide you. I am so sorry, Addi. I hope you can take comfort in how many people loved him, and through that, love you.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter. God took another angel home. He is now in a better place and along with my sister they will watch over their kids and loved ones left behind. No more pain, no more sickness, just a better life with God. I dedicate this song to you. Sissy's song (Alan Jackson)
Thinking about you and your daughter.

Anonymous said...

Bo is at peace . . . Heaven is a little brighter today.

May God's love, peace and hope surround you - Christi and Addi.

Kathy Boyd

Anonymous said...

Christi and Family:
We love you all so much. I can't imagine what all of you are dealing with, but please know, we are here for anything that you need at all.

I will remember him all my life and the wonderful things that he taught me. Not only was he a wonderful businessman, but he was the funniest person I have ever known. He will never be forgotten and we will keep his vision alive at FIG.

With all our love:
Kim, Larry and Rachael

Anonymous said...

Dear Christi and family -
I have never met you, or Bo, but I have followed his story and have been touched in a way you can't imagine. Having also lost a dear friend to lung cancer, I am so saddened to hear of your loss. Your perseverance and grace through all of this has been truly inspiring.

May your sweet Bo rest in peace and may the rest of you find the strength in the days to come and always, always cherish what you had with him.

God Bless

Anonymous said...

Bo was a great guy and always great to have around. Even with the knowledge of what was happening it's still doesnt seem right. I had not talked to Bo face to face since the 90's. But I heard he was still the same great guy. I cant begin to understand how you are feeling but stay strong and just keep the knowledge that you will see him again some day.
Troy King

Unknown said...

Best wishes to the Johnson, Morgan, and Cain families during this tough time. I feel very privileged to have known Bo. There are so many great things to say about him but a few qualities that stand out to me are his incredible generosity and his constant concern for the human elements of the business world.
Christi, Addi, Caroline, Tracia, Bill, and Jo-- my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Richard Harvey

Blogic said...

To Christi and Addi-

While I have never had the chance to meet either of you, I wanted to express my family's heartfelt condolences. Bo and I were at ASU together and I almost came to FIG to work with Bo back in 2002/2003. My family's thoughts and prayers are with you both as well as your extended families. Bo was an awesome guy and he will be missed!

Anonymous said...

There is a beautiful, soft, peaceful snow falling in Hendersonville this morning. I think Bo sent it down to us, sharing a bit of the amazing world he is in now, and letting us know that he is okay and at peace, and he is sending it down as love to his family and friends. Thank you for this precious taste of Heaven Bo, I'm looking out on it thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Christie and Family,
I am so sorry for your loss. I went to school and church with Bo and he could always light up the room - he will be dearly missed by many. Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many who you have never even met. Bo was a very special person and I can tell that he married one amazing woman and has one very special little girl. Love to you and all of your family.

Amy Shipman Elkins

Anonymous said...

Your family's journey has been an inspiration for so many. Christy, both you and Bo have exuded only love, patience, and dignity through this long fight. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Addi, and the rest of your family. Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us.
Steve and Susan Harvey

Anonymous said...

I will never forget Bo and his positive attitude. He has impacted me for the rest of my life.


Anonymous said...

Christi and family,
I am so sorry for your loss. Bo was a great friend and I know that he was a great husband and father. He will be truly missed. Remain strong and thank you so much for keeping us all informed during this difficult time. You are amazing.
God Bless BO!!!!!!

Jim Perry

Anonymous said...

Christi and family,
I am so sorry for your loss. Bo was a great friend and I know that he was a great husband and father. He will be truly missed. Remain strong and thank you so much for keeping us all informed during this difficult time. You are amazing.
God Bless BO!!!!!!

Jim Perry

Anonymous said...

Friendship is one of the greatest gitfs anyone can recieve. Thank you Bo.

Eric Thomas

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace Bo.
Christi and Addi I love you and my thoughts are with you.

Love, Jenn in CA

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Christi and Addi

I am so so sorry for your loss. As I read your post this morning, I started thinking of Bo and all of the funny things he told me or did.

It is snowing here in Maryland today as well. Big beautiful flakes - Bo's way of telling us he is ok.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and your family!

Devin Rosenkrans

Anonymous said...

To All The Friends & Families of Bo Johnson. Especially to Christi & Addi
My heart is certainly saddened but I know how much Bo loved you all and he has now become an angel to watch over us all. He will always be with you. Just now he is with GOD and other angels and fighters like him. He will forever remain in my Heart and Soul. May GOD bless you through this process and journey ahead Christi, Addi & Family. My Prayers will forever remain with you each day & night. Bo will never be forgotten nor will you all be alone.
With Love & Prayers for your Loving Angel Bo,
Granny Carolyn

davidsql said...

Rest in peace Bo. You will always be our brother.

Christi and Addi, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

David Yarborough

Anonymous said...

God bless you, we are praying for you. God bless Bo and take care of him.

Deb and Marc

Anonymous said...

And in the end my friend we'll all be together again.
Until we meet again Bo, I hold you in my heart treasuring each and every memory.


Jeanie (Charles) Brumley said...

God's Garden Must Be Beautiful

God looked around the garden,
and found an empty space.
He looked down upon the earth,
and saw your tired face.
He put His arms around you,
and lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful
for he only takes the best.
He knew that you were weary,
and He knew you were in pain.
He knew that you would never,
be well on earth again.
He saw the road was getting tough,
and hills were hard to climb.
So he closed your weary eyelids,
and whispered.

My prayers are with you.

Jerrold said...

CJ, AJ I can't express my sorry at your / our loss y'all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sending love and prayers your way.

Hope, Jason, Laila and Jack Wesley

Anonymous said...

May all the wonderful memories bring comfort.
Bo will live forever in all of our hearts.

Prayers and Love,

Tara Lang and Tom O'Donnell

Anonymous said...

Bo was a wonderful strong person and we wish him peace. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Lisa, Brian, Makayla, & Cameron Cutlip

Anonymous said...

They say angels are taken away from us early because they've already done so much good in their lifetime.
I truly believe BO was an angel on Earth and now he has returned Home in Heaven. He has touched the lives of so many and now lives though all of us.
Diana M.

Judy Rose said...

Chrisi, We are so saddened to learn of Bo's death. We have always thought the world of Bo...from watching him grow up in Hendersonville to become a wonderful man of integrity full of love for his family. We admire you and your whole family and are thinking about you and praying for strength for you in this time of extreme sorrow. Bo has touched many people in positive ways throughout his life and he will never be forgotten. My family will do anything humanly possible now and in the future to help you in any way. Thank you for being such a wonderful wife for Bo and mother for Addie. We love you very much. George and Judy Rose

Kilgard Family said...

Christi and Addi, I want to tell you that I feel very special and blessed to be a part of all your lives. Bo is one of the strongest people I haveyou ever met in my life, Christi thank you for being so strong along with Bo. Addi you have a amazing Dad he taught so many people the meaning of life. Bill and Jo you have a fantastic son that everyone is so proud of. And Phil thank you for bringing this all together. Bo you will be missed but your friendship will never go away. We love you all

Kyle, Melissa, Ben, Carly, Eddie and Evan kilgard P.S. Evan thinks Bo coming to visit him. Evan-Heaven they sound the same

Carly Kilgard said...

Dear Addi,
I just wanted to let you know that you had a great daddy and that you shoud know that he loved you very much. Please dont be to sad because he's no longer sick and in a better place. I'm thinking about you.

~ love Carly

Anonymous said...

I did not know Bo, but from what I have read about him, he was a very courageous man who loved his family and friends with all his heart. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and I know he will be with you forever. May God bless your family at this terrible time in your lives.

Bo Bynum
Sigma Nu Fraternity

Carly Kilgard said...

Dear Addi,
I just wanted to let you know that you had a great Daddy that everyone loved and enjoyed having around.Please don't be to sad because he is in a better place and won't ever have to be sick again. I'm glad I got to know you and your family. your in my thoughts.

~ love Carly

Edwin Kilgard said...

Bo I hope you have a good time in heaven. We've beenpray foryou and your family. I realy miss you.

from Edwin Kilgard

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers.

Heather Orr Durall

Anonymous said...

Good Night Bo, we'll see you in the morning (God's time).

Christy, we are so sorry for all that you are going through now. Please know our thoughts are with you and Addi and all of Bo's family.

Be comforted in knowing that you and Bo did something all of us wish we were able to do.


You opened your lives and hearts and let us all share your Journey. You let us cry with you, rejoice with you, pray with you, and gave us all hope. You touched so many people. Thank You

I pray that God will give you the strength and peace you need now.

Joyce and Howard

Unknown said...

My heartfelt condolences on such a loss. Thanks for sharing your journey with so many. You all have inspired us in ways that you will never know. I hope that Addi will always feel her Daddy's presence, because he will never leave her side. Many blessings to you all.
Tracy Williams

Lynn Pearson said...

Bo fought hard. He will be missed. Christy and Addi, you are amazing and Bo was blessed to have you in his life and fighting beside him! God bless you all and I am praying for you!

Anonymous said...

He was a truly amazing man and will remain forever in hearts of all who knew him. I wish I could just give you and Addi a big hug right now. My prayers are with you both and I'm sure Bo is surrounded by love in Heaven now, as he here was on earth.
-Mackenzie D

Anonymous said...

Dear Christi & Addi,
My prayers are with you and your family. Having lost someone very close to me from lung cancer several years ago, the courage that Bo and your family have shown are a limitless testimony of love and the power of God.
Bo's passing will leave a void in the hearts and lives of many people. Through you & Addi, his spirit and determination will live on.
May God grant you comfort and peace.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all during this time. I hope it helps to know so many people out here are praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Dear Christi & Addi,

We have kept the Johnson family Christmas cards with the family photo on our kitchen counter for the last 2 yrs. We wanted to keep your family in our thoughts everyday and we drew strength from the fight that Bo and you all have fought for the last 3 1/2yrs.
We would tell family and friends about your story and tell them what a special family you all are. Bo had such a love for life, family and friends. He gave such a beautiful gift to so many it is immeasurable.
Please know that our love goes out to you. We will miss Bo dearly. May Bo rest in peace and may God renew your strength and courage to guide you through the difficult days ahead.

Larry & Andrea Gregory

Anonymous said...

My condolences to all who loved Bo.

Anonymous said...

Christi and Addi,

We are here for you, always.

Through everything you both have managed to be strong and smile at the world. True inspiration.

The Ramsdens

Peony said...

We are so sorry for you and Addi in all that you're going through now and in the days and weeks to come. Please know that our thoughts are with you and the rest of your family. As always, we're here if you every need anything at all.
Peony, Brendon & Adelaide

Anonymous said...

christi and addi- i am thinking of you guys. bo was such an inspiration. he is finally cancer free watching over you two.

katie brenny

Anonymous said...

Christi and Addi,

I have been following your journey since right when Bo got on the donor list. I will never forget you talking about the doctors and them sounding like Charlie Brown's teacher when they told you they were going to have to do the 2nd transplant. For everything you've encountered along the way you've handled it with such grace, even today. I loved to see Bo enjoying time with Addi over the past couple years at preschool or b-day parties and always with a happy smile on his face and just delighted to see her doing her thing. I'm so sorry to hear this news, keeping you and Addi in my prayers. Love, Kristen Coupal

Unknown said...

Even though I only knew Bo and never had the pleasure to know you personally, I can tell you that you are a true inspiration for so many and one of the strongest people I have ever encountere! Bo was an amazing man who lit up any room he walked into. You couldn't know Bo and not love Bo.

The love and devotion for his family was so evident - you were his rock and Addi was the true sparkle in his eye. My heart goes out to you and your entire family. My prayers will remain with you and I hope that you find compfort and peace with the ever special memories imprinted in your heart.

How lucky are we all to have such a special angel looking down over all of us.

Courtney Thomas

Anonymous said...

My your family be comforted with the memories and blessings that he was and continue to love one another.

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

My heart is rejoicing that Bo is no longer in pain. But my heart is weeping for your lost. I pray for God to hold you all close during this time.

God bless!

Jennifer Gibson Gaudet said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, he was a wonderful person. May God Bless you, Addi and your family.

Anonymous said...

Christi and Addi,
I am so very sorry for what you are going through right now. You have physically lost Bo but he will forever be with you. Let God guide you and hold you and comfort you as you embark upon your next journey. I have been and continue to be in your shoes and I will email you soon. Find the brightest star in the sky tonight -- that is Bo and his love for you both shining down on you.
My prayers are with you, and God and Bo will be watching over you.
With love and sorrow,
Sherree Clinton

Anonymous said...

There are many accomplishments we all seek, often with longer lifetimes than Bo had. Bo earned eternal life and left a tremendous legacy here on earth. What else really matters?

Addi and Christi are very blessed and will continue to be strengthened by Bo.

Bo and I were scheduled to meet for breakfast before he became more sick about 6 weeks ago. I had not seen him since prior to the transplants yet we remained in touch. I wish that breakfast would have happened.

His spirit always amazed me. He was easy to love because he loved people. Addi, your Daddy was as decent a man as there has ever been.

God bless. Ryan, Dawn and Reagan Poterack

Anonymous said...

Another Sigma Nu from App here to express condolences. I did not know Bo well, but his battle was a source of inspiration and courage to many. He will be missed, and may the Lord give you strength and comfort during this time.

Unknown said...

Christi, Addi and family, I am so sorry for your loss. All my thoughts and prayers are with you through this difficult time.
With love, Kati Purmort

Janet Richards said...

My prayers to you and your daughter in this difficult time. May Bo rest in peace.

miles3_17 said...

Oh my gosh Christi, I am soooo sorry for your loss. What an amazingly strong person you and Addi are and will continue to be. Please know we are praying for you and will continue. I can't imagine what you are going through, but we all know he's in the best of hands now!!! love ya, take care.

AB said...

Words cannot tell you how much we love all of you and how we feel for you now. Know all of you are still and always loved. Bo and all of you are an inspiration to us. I hope you will find a peace that passes understanding.

Larry and Tammy Pike said...

We have no words to express the deep sorry that we are feeling here in Omaha. You are all held close in our hearts and prayers.

Remember, he will be with you always.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. As many have mentioned, today a beautiful peaceful snow is falling all through the land (here in NJ as well), it must have been sent by Bo. Our prayers are with you, and our thanks for sharing your lives with us, it has been inspiring in endless ways. Much like Bo.

Mary T. said...

The world has lost someone special today. He will truly be missed.

Aunt Mary

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Our lives were all better due to the mere fact that we could say that we had a friend named Bo Johnson. He will be missed by many and remembered by all he met. May God be with you and Addi as you continue your journey. And may Bo rest in peace and take his place beside the angels.

Anonymous said...

I can't find the words...I just had a feeling as I fly out of the snow today in DC. My heart aches. I read from the Book of Common Prayer on my flight back to Florida and thought of Bo the whole time and just read the post. We will miss him so...Paula Albertson

Anonymous said...

It's been said before but oh so true. "A few short years of unbelievable is worth more than a lifetime of nothing special." I hope the unbelievable years you had with Bo will bring you smiles through the tears and strength in the years to come. We all thank you and Bo for opening you lives to all of us and sharing your very private journey.
Bo went to sleep last night in his home, surrounded by those who loved him and woke up in his new home in Heaven, again surrounded by those who love him. What a lucky man.
You and Addi will continue to be in our prayers.
Marci Carlyle

Anonymous said...

I have been so blessed to have known Bo for the past 3 1/2 years. I started at FIG the Monday after me made the announcement that he had Stage IV Lung cancer. He was an incredible person. He never gave up, he just kept going and going!!! Christie, I never knew how you did it. You and Bo are the strongest people I've ever know. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You and Addi are blessed with a wonderful family and lots of friends who will help you through this.
Pam Burns

Anonymous said...

There is a beautiful soft snow falling today in upstate NY...a snow that was supposed to pass us by...I'd like to think it's Bo's final way of passing by us all on his next journey. Rest in peace my lifelong friend. You will be missed. My love to you, Christi & little Addi.

Rachel Kopp

Anonymous said...

Christi, Addi and Johnson family,

We are sad to hear the news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God bless you!

Joe Price & family
Des Moines, IA

Anonymous said...

I have been reading the posts and praying daily for Bo and the family. I was truly saddened when I logged on today. Christi, I will continue to pray for you and Addi. Please keep posting so we can keep up with you and Addi. God's love to you.
An internet prayer warrior...
Diana Sharpe

Anonymous said...

Christi, God Bless You and Addi.

You are a very strong person, and I'm sure Addi see's this in her mom. As Bo makes his new home, take comfort in knowing that he is fully restored, by God's side, and knows no pain. His spirit will always remain amongst those whom his heart touched.

May God take extra care of you and Addi.


Anonymous said...

You and Addi are in my prayers Christi -- the strength of your family and friends is a source of inspiration -- I am sure Bo and Kate are chatting -- they are our angels.


Anonymous said...

The world is a better place with the short time Bo was here. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May you find peace knowing he is no longer in pain, and that he is always going to be looking after his two beautiful angels.

Anonymous said...

Even though I never had the privilage of meeting Bo, I feel as if I knew him. Janine spoke often of your wonderful family, and the type of man Bo was. I wish I could have had the honor of meeting him. My prayers go out to your family, and the rest of the families that are feeling the pain of this loss.

Anonymous said...

Forgive my delay in posting, but I just wasn't sure what to say or that my words would ever be good enough. Bo was an incredible guy, and I was proud to know him . . . but prouder still, humbled really, by the way he, and you and Addi, fought through these last few years. I just can't find the right words or say enough about that. I know some folks only knew Bo for a few months and the lucky among us knew him for years, but each of us was the better for it and you and Addi have taken that a step further, setting a staggering example of LOVE. I'll be thinking of all of you, praying for you . . . sad that he's gone but grateful for the time we did have with him.

Jeff McElroy

Anonymous said...

Christi and Family: I am so sorry for your loss. Bo was so amazing and has forever impacted me and I really feel priviledged that I had the pleasure to work for him for so many years. As I sat here this morning crying, I could just hear his voice saying dude quit crying and get to work! The best thing we can do to honor Bo is to contiune to make FIG a success and work hard just like he would have done. Thank you Bo for the many laughs, the inspiration and touching so many people. I love you. John and Elizabeth Maddox

Anonymous said...

I am sure you are aware of this, but there has not been a day that has gone by that Bo, You and Addi have not been in my thoughts. I really dont know what to say at this time, except that Uncle Tim loves you very much and have wished I could of been there to give you a hug many times. I wish I could see you now. Distance makes life hard at times in our lives.
My love is with you And Addi......
Love Uncle Tim, Aunt Mary, Michael and Amanda.

Anonymous said...

Wanted you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and Addi. May God's comfort be with you both today and in the days to come. All our love.

Margie, JC, Michelle and Kristen

Anonymous said...

Christi & Addi,

I am so sorry to hear about Bo. Bo was one of the nicest people I met during my time at FIG and I will always remember him for that. He was a very devoted person, but had that comedic personality. You just never knew what he was going to say, when walking by his office and he called your name. I am very glad that I had a chance to know Bo. Yoiu and Addi are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you are a very strong person and with Addi's help, you will both make it through this together.

Tonya Holt

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