Thank you everyone for the support today. We are proud to call you all friends those from long ago, those new and those we are still waiting to meet. This day is much easier knowing that we are loved and Bo lives on through everyone of you.
Love to All
Christi and Addi
PS - Only Addi could get him to put his phone up, she brags about that to this day!
We were all lucky to have Bo a part of our lives and I miss him. Bo was very lucky to have you a part of his life. You are an amazing women and mother. You and Addi are always in our thoughts and prayers.
We miss Bo so much and he is still very much a part of our daily lives! Christ, you continue to amaze us with your strength! You are incredible and just absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!
Much love,
The Faunces
We are thinking of you both, and you said it all in your blog, I wore Addi's Cure T-Shirt today, and have worn it alot lately,remembering Bo and Uncle Mark,memories are so precious, and the little things pop up that was said, and I can still hear Mark's voice with his great sense of humor, that soon the tears go away and you are grinning, and that's with Bo too. Keep those snow flakes coming. Love Uncle Leon and Aunt Marilyn
I feel like the worst sister in the world with being wrapped up in everything and not taking the time, until now, to say how much we love you and how much we too miss Bo. I can still remember little Ami getting him to say his name a million times, just to get the accent down, so she could say it just like him. Well that and "umbrella". We love you so much and truly look forward to getting to spend some time with you and Addi around Christmas. All our love, Crystal
It's been 3 years, 6 months and 29 days since I lost the love of my life, and still not a day goes by that I don't think about him and talk to him. And tell Addi that I have my "star" too that I blow kisses to because I just know in my heart it's Clinton up there twinkling for me. Your love for Bo is strong, and so is Addi's, and she will always help you through. God is the only one that truly knows how my children and grandchildren have helped me to get through and not give up. God bless you Christi and Addi Johnson!
Sherree in KS
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