Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We, Christi here, just got back home, of course the computer was down at Duke otherwise we would have posted sooner. The scans came back STABLE! Bo is still a little dumbfounded on the doctors saying that everything looks as good as before the collapsed lung, that he didn't know what to say when they told us things looked good. I would have to say he was speechless. Bo will update more later, but at this time we are going to stay the same course and enjoy the holiday season. There will be tons of pictures showing our celebrations and living life to the fullest. Thank you everyone for praying and pumping Bo up. You truly are amazing friends far and near. We love you all!
Christi and Addi
PS Good Luck Freedom, she is one of our favorite helpers at Duke and she is due any day now with a little girl. I will see you January 2nd for our next set of scans.


Anonymous said...

That is FANTASTIC AWESOME news! The Bochner Prayer Warriors and I were just sitting here talking about Bo and I thought I'd check to see if you'd posted. What great news!!! Oh - and sorry Bo - I just have to say it, "Told you so." :) Enjoy your night and the holidays and keep up the fight! Take care, Lori

Anonymous said...

Thank you God for answering the prayers of your faithful servants!!! All Glory goes to You God!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear the good news...stay strong!! Angie Cretors

Anonymous said...

It is amazing what the power of prayer and positive thinking can do.
Have a great Halloween!
The Glidewell Crew

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah for Bo,Christi & Addi and the whole family & all friends. I prayed last nite & all the way to work this AM. (Didn't close my eyes)
but God heard all our prayers. Keep up your faithfulness & God will not forsake you.

Love & Prayers
Granny Carolyn

Peony said...

fabulous news, so glad to hear it!!!

Anonymous said...

Main Entry: war·rior

Pronunciation: \ˈwȯr-yər, ˈwȯr-ē-ər, ˈwär-ē- also ˈwär-yər\

Function: noun

Warrior: a man engaged or experienced in warfare; broadly : a person engaged in some struggle or conflict.

See also Bo Johnson

Keep your head up. You are a humble warrior. You are going to sweep BAC like the Bo Sox did the Rockies dude.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news! I am also speechless---keep on keepin' on bro!

Anonymous said...

Loud cheers of joy and excitement coming from Omaha! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful day basking in the afterglow of such great news!

Lingo said...

That's GREAT news!! All your hard work and fighting is paying off...go celebrate!

Tracy Lingo

Anonymous said...

Well Jon pointed this blog out to me and I have to say thank yall so very much. I love seeing you guys when yall come. It's always such a pleasure. I feel like yall have become a part of my family. The 3 of you are such wonderful people and Addi is such a cutie. Make sure that if yall bring her back up here to wait til I get back. I will be e-mailing pics of the baby soon hopefully. I will miss yall while I'm out but we'll keep in touch.
Luv yall!
Freedom Scott

Anonymous said...

Cheers from the 9300 crew! So glad to hear the scans were good...we're still thinking about y'all and you're definitely in my prayers.

About 15 of us are running in the Free to Breathe 5K this Saturday to raise money for lung cancer research...gotta find a cure for this.

Have a great Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and I'm praying all continues to go well for you!

Sara RN and the rest of the crew

Anonymous said...

Am sitting here with tears running down my face. Tears of joy and gratefulness. I'm not an especially religious person, but I do think of myself as spiritual..so in my own way I was praying for you all. I was so priveliged to read your past few posts.. honesty of our ups and downs is not only brave, but so helpful to the rest us dealing with the daily stresses. Your journey..its highs and its periodic lows.. is teaching me a lot. I am so happy that you shared your fears as they made the joys even higher. Congrats! May you remember that moment of speechlessness for years to come. (literally!). Sarah, Chicago (just someone that found your blog last year by chance).

Anonymous said...


God is good all the time! He really is!

Your pal,


Kathryn said...

Hi, I'm Rachel's sister. I wanted you to know I have been following your blog, keeping you in my thoughts and celebrating your triumphs in my heart. A dear friend in Louisville, KY who lost her father to lung cancer the year before you were diagnosed has been doing the same. You have a lot of fans.