This is a blog for all of my friends to come to as I fight lung cancer. I wanted to make sure everyone had a place to see all the news of what is happening and how I am trying to beat this disease. Make sure you visit the archives for the complete story as well.
So CUTE!!!!! Thanks for posting.
If Addi only knew the strength of the lasso of truth she would never have crumbled to be just a mere princess!! Bo looks so happy!
Addi is so beautiful. You both did a great job!!! Congrats on the success at home, keep it up. You are always in our prayers.
Kelly, Brett and Kaden Ballard
Precious! Thanks for sharing. Thinking of you,
Christi - YOU should have been Superwoman! Bo - Superman!
Soo happy for you all.
Amy W :)
Great pictures. Bo you look so good, handsome too! I love the ones of Patterson and Addi. As Patterson's grammy, I love the ones of the two of them. You're right, signs of things to come!
What beautiful girls!!! So glad you were all home together for Halloween. Hope all is going well and Bo is feeling fabulous. We are still praying every day for you guys!
She makes a great wonder woman that is a great costume. Any plans to make it to KS over the holidays? The allens
I love the wonder woman costume, especially the fact that the disney princesses are lined up on the pumpkin for the photo opt. Bo looks great. I hope you all are doing well.
Jenn in CA
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