Hello again, Christi here. One of my favorite pictures of my heart. Sorry about the crazy emotional post last night, but in my defense I did just get another shock of my life. Not quite sure how many more of these I can handle, but I guess I will find out and take them one by one. I hate to tell them I am not going anywhere so keep trying.
The Plan right now is hold steady and stable, which Bo is doing, and wait for another lung transplant. In the meantime of waiting they are still trying to correct the fluid in Bo's lungs, they just see this as a faster and better solution. I have to go back to trusting someone so God and the doctors would probably be a good place to start.
Sorry there isn't really anything to say today, which I appreciate. Thank you to everyone taking care of me, my house, my dogs and of course Addi. I love her so much and everyday Bo and I talk about her fishing with Daddy real soon.
Thanks and post soon
The Plan right now is hold steady and stable, which Bo is doing, and wait for another lung transplant. In the meantime of waiting they are still trying to correct the fluid in Bo's lungs, they just see this as a faster and better solution. I have to go back to trusting someone so God and the doctors would probably be a good place to start.
Sorry there isn't really anything to say today, which I appreciate. Thank you to everyone taking care of me, my house, my dogs and of course Addi. I love her so much and everyday Bo and I talk about her fishing with Daddy real soon.
Thanks and post soon
beautiful photo...
Christi you are such a strong individual. I am so proud of you. Not sure I could have handled this as well as you are.
We well all keep praying for the three of you. Yes, this is the time to let God and the doctors take over you have done all you can do.
Take care of yourself and thanks so much for keeping us all updated.
Love, Aunt Marlene from Kansas
It is completely ok and expected for you to show and go through these emotionals, alot of us can not even try to imagine the roller coaster ride you have been on. Your little princess is doing great! Michelle and I stopped over this morning and she was just as sweet as ever! (We may have to go back tomorrow, your mom was making some banana bread....yummy).We played and danced on our toes a little! Then it was off to the Bday party with Miss Amy. No doubt where she gets her great personality and strength. Call me if you need anything.
Love Mindy
Hey Christi,
Wanted you to know that I am still praying and feeling so positive about Bo. He told me when we first spoke that he was a force and this would not get in his way. Attitude is a large part of this battle. I wanted you to know also that when I was waiting for my transplant, I was in contact with another miracle woman. She has an amazing story. She needed a heart/lung transplant and was basically on her death bed. She received the transplant and rejected within hours. Her outcome was very bad, I even think her husband was making plans for her funeral. Then the Lord stepped in and two weeks later she received another heart/lung transplant. This in almost unheard of because it is next to impossible to get a heart/lung block to begin with, She is doing well today and even gives motivational talks. So please remember to trust in the
Master Physician and know that miracles are all around us. I know because I am one of them. Thinking of you and Bo. please call if you need to talk.
Elizabeth McLean
you are so strong and wonderful, I'll keep praying and you and Bo keep fighting.
Jenn (Bo's Cousin in CA)
Christy, thanks so much for the update. Many of us are checking the blog several times a day for updates. We're off to church now, and we will continue to keep you, Bo & Addi in our prayers.
-Jean Casagrande
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thanks Christi for keeping us updated on his condition.
Christi, you're absolutely amazing. Your strength is beyond admirable. I know you're fighting just as much as Bo is right now. Continue to be that strength for him, and I'm sure you'll both be blessed beyond measure. We love you guys more than words can express. There are no better people than the Johnson's and good things will come to you! I can feel it! I'm praying hard!
I love you guys!
Keep the head up, stay positive. Bo Johnson does not quit. Bo has come too far, and has accomplished everything he put his mind to so far. Mel and I will keep praying for you guys.
Hey Christi,
We are all praying for you and Bo. He is going to get through this and we are going to come down to spend some time with you guys this summer. We love you guys. If there is anything that we can do for you from Michigan please call.
Kevin, Theresa, Andrew and Audrey
Just wanted to let you know that at 8:00pm on Saturday I will be sharing your story with our prayer group. They are true prayer warriors. We will pray for Bo of course, but also for you and Addi. God is more than able. Seek Him. He will give you the strength you need to face each day.
Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.
Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
With love and prayers,
Miss Kim
Hey Christi, Bo, and Addi...
Hello from your friends up on 9300! Ennis and I just ran downstairs to visit really quickly and were glad to hear that Christi was taking a break and getting some rest.
Believe me when I say that you have an entire floor staff praying for you all and pulling for Bo! He is so strong and so determined! I am just praying for another set of lungs right away so that he can get on the road to recovery...we love you all and will be here if you need anything. There's always a couch to sleep on if you don't want to go all the way across the street.
All my prayers are with you as I work tonight!
Sara, RN
Stay strong Christi and remember that you have all of us to lean on! You are truly an amazing woman...my hero! I love you!
In honor of Bo, who had never given up, and never will...
This Life of Mine
As I lie here today on cool cotton white sheets and my mind wonders afar.
I look back on this life of mine and remiss of things gone past, memories.
For even though the years have gone by, I sometimes yearn for what was.
My life again, when I held the world in my hand, not knowing what I had.
This past life of mine when I looked into my Mother’s eyes, and she smiled.
When I haltingly took a first step, and my Father held my hand, so unsure.
One lighted candle on my birthday cake, not knowing what was to come.
But as a child having the time to look in awe at life itself, no worries now.
Soon I was walking to school and had so many friends, we grew together.
Learning of life itself and what honor, commitment, and hard work meant.
With my parents teaching me of what was good, and how to avoid the bad.
In retrospect, many mistakes were made, but I grew stronger and wiser.
The sun on my face, the wind at my back, the green, green, grass at my feet.
Life increasingly coming at me, as the days turned into months, than years.
Once young, older now, knowing that I may not be as fast as I once was.
My vision having dimmed, pains that I never had, but my heart is young.
I now hold the hand of one who looks at me as if the world is in her eyes.
No longer the child myself, but the one who guards my child from harm.
A young wife who depends on me, but has always supported me in my life.
A family that loves me, not expecting anything in return, but only my love.
Although I cannot walk at this time, my mind knows of the dawns yet to come.
My heart beats strong and some day I will once walk again among those I love.
Be patient with me now for God is mending my body for the years to come.
And always remember those I love, true love never dies, it only grows stronger.
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