Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hello everyone and good evening. We are all moved into our new "summer home." Addi is doing well on our little adventure. She is such an amazing strong girl. Bo had a tough work out day today. He sat in the chair for a while this morning and then Physical Therapy (PT) came by. By the time they got there, he really wanted nothing to do with them. So he "went to sleep". That is when I know Bo is in there. Tonight I got to spend some time one and one with Bo and he was Bo. Still extremely frustrated that the communication isn't there with reading his lips, but I am getting better slowly. I do have to say that he had two great nurses today as well, Jason is awesome and getting me and him to understand where we both are and Reagan, was just on the same page as him. He was more comfortable. He is slowly getting stronger, controlling his head more and wiggling toes. Small steps to this long recovery, but we are getting there.
Take care everyone and sleep tight.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the hard work Bo! Give Addi lots of kisses from us! We will see you soon!


The Berrys said...

We continue to pray for Bo's healing and your strength daily. Thank you for keeping us posted. Give Bo our love.

The Berrys

Anonymous said...

Bo, Christi and Addi, I've had you all on my mind a lot lately! You have so much strength and love. I just know you will continue to improve Bo!
Janice Plyler

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you guys! You are fighters - and believe me - I keep your page open and refresh during the day - so please keep us up to date!
Laurie, Tim, Emma, and Brooks

Anonymous said...

Continue to continue you guys -- get up, and get up and get up ....

Walk with love along the way ...

Peter Macon

Anonymous said...

Attitude means so much and yours is awesome. Keep encouraging Bo as he has all o fthe hard work to do. So glad you have Addi with you. Sleep well.
Love to all of you,

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Bo is moving the right way and taking those most important baby steps. It sounds like the staff at Duke is awesome. Keep hanging in there with Bo. You are a great team.
I know you are glad to have Addi there with you.
We will keep you in our prayers and send many positive thoughts coming you way.
Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeff

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Bo is taking steps in the right direction! Keep the positive attitude and with time everything is going to be great. Afterall, Bo is CANCER-FREE! That is SO awesome to say and hear. If you need any help with Addi please let me know. Keep staying strong.

Ashley Barnwell

Anonymous said...

Hey Bo and Christi,
Good to hear that steps are moving in the right direction. I know Addi is so happy to be with you Christi. You are the rock and her presence can help you hold it all together. Bo my heart goes out to you and I know well I don't know, but please stay focused and know that so many people love you and are Praying and Cheering for you. It is like watching the Super Bowl this year with Eli Manning victorious over the Patriots. You are and have been so victorious through all this. God is in control and when the ball snaps just give it to him......Love you,
Leigh Ann

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting Bo...Blaire and I have you, Christi and Addi in our prayers daily....

Kevin and Blaire..

Anonymous said...

Welcome Addi! Glad to hear you are in your new "summer" home. Christi, we know this will help ease your mind to have Addi close by. Bo, keep up the good work and no more sleeping on the job!
God Bless,
Jon and Donnelle Graham

Anonymous said...

Hi Christi,
I have been checking in on Bo's Blog several times a day to see how Bo is doing and to say my prayers for him to get stronger and be well. I just discovered today that I can leave you a message as I am doing now. I don't know how with everything you have been going thru you are able to keep us up to date on BO's recovery however it is greatly appreciated.
Our Love and prayers to you BO and Addi.
Shelly and Lou Melcer

Anonymous said...

Morning Christi! I know you are so happy to have Addi with you now. Please tell Bo E Maddox says hello and is thinking about him and wishing you all contiuned steps in the right direction. The FIG Family loves him and can't wait to see him back around this place! We miss you all....Thanks for keeping us updated with the Blog.

Unknown said...

Great to hear the positive steps he's making on a daily basis - we continue praying for Bo to get through this sooner than later. Best to all & keep strong - Bo needs the support


Anonymous said...

Christi...are you still looking/needing a sitter/day camp for Addi in Durham/Chapel Hill? Call me when you get a chance if you do...Chip Lloyd

Anonymous said...

Go Bo Go!!! I have to check the blog before I go to bed every night and I am excited to hear about your progress. The movers are coming starting today, so I had better hear good news tonight on the blog. I am going to need good news during this "move". Remember it could be worse, we could have Red Dog come bark at you for your PT. ;o) We love you and we will keep checking in.
Crystal and Wyatt
(Iowa residents for 6 more days)

Anonymous said...

YAY! Baby steps . . .and the long road to recovery indeed is ahead. BUT all be darned if he isn't doing it! YOU GO BO!

Leaning toward the patience, strength and healing prayers now ;)

Amy W